Asked Questions
Q: When do you update?
A: I try to update every Friday.

Q: Why does it take you so long to
A: In the early days of Post-Nuke I was only working
on the online comic full
-time. I was updating a new comic
page every week on Friday. Okay so I was usually a day or two late, but
it was still roughly every week. Now I have two Part-time jobs, working
on the printed comic books, and I'm also designing and scripting the
next chapter. I am also putting a lot more effort into the new comic
pages. I lot of work goes into making a webcomic. I'm basically a
one-man crew. My brother Mark helps with the technical web site stuff
when he has the time.

Q: Why is your comic in this strange black and white art style?
A: Some people have said, "to bad it's not in colour",
well I
have to disagree. If I wanted it in colour it would be in colour. Why
Black and White such a bad thing to some people? I'm trying to set a
certain dark gritty mood to the story. I also wanted a certain
uniqueness or originallity for the comic that separates it from the
I didn't want a traditional Marvel or Manga/Anime style comic. They
just don't seem to have the mood or atmosphere I'm trying to set for
Post-Nuke. I also chose to make the comic more like a movie storyboard
then traditional comic style to give it a cinematic feel. The
storyboard style also makes it easier for non-comic readers to follow
the story.

Q: How is your comic artwork made?
A: The comic is all hand drawn in pencil, then inked, and
then I use a pencil to shade the picture. The image is then scanned
into Photoshop where it is composed into the image you see. Click
to see an example image of the steps involved.

Q: The art and storyline is good, but the dialog and writing
is rough. Why don't you get an editor to fix this?
A: I do agree the dialog and writing is rough. I even
cringe when I read through the comics. Right now I just want to get the
story out of my head and onto paper. I have always considered the
online comics as rough copies, or a draft version. Basically you're
seeing the comic being made in real-time. The slow and monotonous
it is. The printed comic books will have all the bad artwork redone,
and an editor will also fix all bad writing and grammar. I hope
people can look past the current roughness and see the story. It will
all be fixed.

Q: How can I help support Post-Nuke?
A: There are many ways you can really help Post-Nuke
comics with out spending any money. I do my best to put this comic
together, but it's up to you, the fans, to show your support and spread
the word. Below are a few very simple things you can do help.
Vote for
It is free and you don't have to register. I also place bonus
images after you vote, and update them every week. Just two clicks to
vote. The more votes Post-Nuke receives the higher it will move up the
top 100 comics list. You can also vote every 24hours. If
everyone coming to PN would vote just once, we'd be off the
chart, but people don't and I find that very discouraging.
Check out our sponsor
This again costs you nothing, but it will greatly help the sponsors and
Post-Nuke. Most people advertising on PN are other webcomics and you
may find another favorite comic to read. So please check out who's
advertising on Post-Nuke.
Tell people about
Best advertising is by word of mouth. If everyone just told two people
(more would be even better) about Post-Nuke it would more then double
the traffic to this site. This is a good thing. I spend a lot of money
on advertising to bring new people to PN, it would be greatly
appreciated if some people can help out by just spreading the word
about PN. At the bottom of the page there are some banners you can use
to link to this site.

Q: I have a website, but not much content on it. Can I mirror
your comics on my website?
A: Absolutely not! Do not host or mirror my comics or
artwork on another website without my written permission. Post-Nuke
comics and my artworks are copyrighted.

Q: Can I translate your comic to a foreran language and host
it on my website?
A: Again, NO! Please do not translate my comic and host it
on your site. I have many reasons why I do not want the comic
translated at this time. Please respect that. Do not just take it upon
yourself to start translating my comic and expect I'll be happy or
grateful for it. I will not be, as some of you have already found out.
I get very upset when I see my comic translated or hosted on some other
website without my permission. Again Post-Nuke Comics is copyrighted

Q: Do you have any banners I can use to link to your site?
A: I have several banners in different sizes. You are
to use them.