onMouseover="lightup('pic7')" onMouseout="turnoff('pic7')">

Note: these comics are rough copies.

Please understand that these online comics are rough in places. I have always considered them as rough copies, or a Draft version. The printed comic book will have all the bad artwork redone. An editor will also fix the bad writing and grammar. I hope people can look past the current roughness and see the story. It will all be fixed. I did put a lot of work into the storyline. So I hope you all can enjoy what I have so far.






















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Post-Nuke Comic Copyright (c) 2003 to 2007 Andreas Duller. All rights reserved.
Do NOT host, mirror, republish, redistribute, or translate this comic in any way, shape, or form without written permission from Andreas Duller.
Copyright laws are international. If you see Post-Nuke Comic published on another website please notify me by email.

Website Administrator - Mark Duller
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